In India ,a problem that happens usually with a middle class person is that his cable operator disconnects signal of his dish tv or he is not able to watch tv due to faulty signal strength of the Dish antenna.
In India , there are only few dish tv operators including Videocon d2h , Airtel Dish TV , Tata Sky , Sun Tv and few other operators . A common problem in all of them is that their service in terms of signal problems is too poor and is not bearable for a normal middle class person.
Also these companies , do not fulfil needs of the users , they manage to create their own entertainment packages and exploit viewers. A viewer have to watch only.those tv channels which these companies want them to show .
TRAI , the regulator of d2h operators in India in its last policy ordered these signal.operators to update their policy and allow uses to choose their channels as per their preference , which will not only bring viewership but also quality advertisment could be done on television .
Since announcement of the policy , major loopholes for these companies came in front as they use to charge their fees as per their comfort . I know if you are using such so called branded operators then you must be very frustrated of their behaviour and their way of handling their customers .
If you dish tv , signal has also lost and you want to recover it by yourself then here in this post we have taught how you can test your cable operator for signal and if you get stuck in some signal mistake then you can also repair it yourself .
How Dish TV Companies are regulated in India ?
Earlier , it was about freedom for the d2h operators to regulate what their users should see and to regulate pricing of their services . They us rto regulate and exploit users by adding multiple , useless and high costly entertainment packages with their normal cable charges .
A person who was to watch tv on a budget of Rs 300 , was forced to pay even 2000 bugs in a month , due to un answerable packages that these companies created .
So , seeking to such I’ll practises of the companies , the TRAI (TELECOM REGULATORY AUTHORUTY OF INDIA ) took command of regulating these cable operator agencies and companies to bring a fair price schedule to these companies and regulate behaviour of these companies.
TRAI is the only regulatory authority where a user now push a complaint against these network operators .
What common errors Dish Tv operators face in India ?
Some D2h (Direct to Home) services operator are so lethargic about their services that for even just repairing the normal dish antennae they charge so such service charges or even they make compulsory addons with the repairing charges for D2H.
If in India , you are using any telecom or D2h operator then you must be familiar with theses errors :
- Signal Not Working
- Green Lines error
- Low Signal Error
- Channel not available
- Set top box Disconnected
- Channel loading error
All these errors are signal error . These happens du to faulty signal strength or faulty position of d2h or your antennae .
There is no possible solution for this in any manual provided by any d2h operator because these companies charge so huge amount in name of maintenance cost that the consumer gets frustrated paying such hefty amounts .
While if an private engineer is called or a person can himself also repair these signal errors .
Signal / Network Error in Videocon D2H
As said earlier , all signal errors depends on multiple factors like set top box condition , weather condition , package selected , company signal terms ,satellites used etc. So it can be any problem with the signal of the dish tv you are using . You just have to pay their service cost and call their technician to get your dish repaired .
When you call a technician he comes and use a db satellite meter to check the signal strength of the d2h and all relevant checks of the set top box like wire problem, tv inlet options checking etc .
Repairing Videocon D2H Signal with DB Meter
Videocon d2h is the most trusted d2h service in india , about 82% of population in India uses videcon d2h other than a normal cable operator .
Videocon comes with a packing of 1 year free service warranty for repairing and maintenance.
Sometimes , Videcon d2h signal also gets a problem . Videocon d2h offers seamless services to its consumers and in any case any issue occurs they promise to get it resolved within. 48 hours.
The only thing which frustrates a consumer of Videocon d2h is that their cost of service , the amount they charge for signal restoration is Rs 300 which is high for a middle class person to py every time the signal fluctuates due to rain or poor weather .
If your Videocon D2h is not responding or have some signal problem then now you can solve it as per your convenience and can save your Rs 300 .
Firstly you have to buy your own db meter ,also known as satellite Db meter .
It will cost you somewhere around 300 or 500 which is equal to the cost of about 2 services of your Videocon d2h .
Next you have to go near your dish antennae and open the wire .
Now the wire going to the setup box have to be connected to the right side of the db meter and on the left side you have to place another wire which connected to the dish antennae.
Now switch on the db meter roller and check for signal strength . Once the db meter makes loud sounds then check for the setop box and your signal will be restored .
So this is how you can regain your set top box d2h signal .
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