Coffee is the one of the most popular drinks consumed in the World , it is considered as mind relaxing agent and energy booster . Coffee is rich in nutrients and if chosen more wisely it can be used as a healing agent for the body releasing antioxidants and vitamins . Coffee contains a number of organic nutrients including magnesium , potassium and even riboflavin which works more superior in controlling anxieties and depression symptoms.
A habit of consuming tea over coffee or water in the morning and too on a empty stomach can be exciting but would be a bit painful . Most of us are not aware of the amount Taine and caffeine intake in our body when we consume a cup of tea in the morning . Why you should consider a healthy start with branded and wisely chosen coffee is what we will going to discuss in this article .
What our daily routine says ?
It can be said that for many people Coffee or tea are the first beverage to be consumed every morning . Most of them have it either on an empty stomach while most have it with some day time snacks . It can be relied on the fact that both these drinks can be a good morning starter but can be problematic for the entire day metabolism of the body where both these drinks would release more amount of Hydrochloric acid if consumed empty stomach causing you short of breathless and acidity like problems .
To have a good daily routine especially in cold climatic conditions , drink lukewarm water early morning and choose the finest coffee with the least amount of caffeine for the morning intake along with some morning snacks . If you live in hot climatic conditions , do not prefer to drink hot coffee or more caffeinated coffee . Look for the finest and cold coffee options .
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Why coffee and not tea ?
Their are vast variety of coffee and tea but most of them contains a high amount of caffeine which is not good for brain health . It can be said , where coffee holds more caffeine in comparison to tea but it is also true that tea causes the most genetic issues and stress issues in metabolism of the body .
Coffee brands considers this as a serious issue before choosing the type of coffee to be used and the amount of caffeine in it . Coffee can be more preferred to drink compared to tea as it saves a person from type 2 diabetes , Alzheimer problems , liver diseases and even liver cancer which is otherwise caused by tea.
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Why choosing a good coffee brand is important ?
How a brand visualizes and how it appears on the content label of the coffee is what makes it important for the consumer to be aware to choose the best and the healthiest coffee type for his body . Where some local brands use a raw coffee with the highest amount of caffeine and added flavors while some brands choose coffee wisely for their customers considering their health and metabolism .
As a consumer , what they can do before buying any coffee jar on their next purchase is to check the
With the popularity of coffee rising, it helps to become familiar with some of the features that appear on the label or in the cup. Here are some of the coffee features to check on the label or the brand you opt to purchase :
- Look for the best quality beans used with the beans marked places as AA (high cost beans graded) on the label .
- Look for the amount of caffeine and factors such as blending , method of brewing the coffee .
- Sometimes the product might contain decaffeinated coffee , choose for such type of coffee brands as they hold the least amount of caffeine .
- Flavors added or any chemicals added to add aroma or taste to the coffee should also be checked
- Look for growing regions , if the coffee is grown organic or with use of fertilizers and certifications .
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Top India Coffee Brands
Some top Indian coffee brands that you can consume in your morning routine :
- Nescafe
- Bluetokaicoffee
- Flying Squirrel Coffee
- Black Baze Coffee
- Rage Coffee.
How Bluetokaicoffee heals you every morning ?
BluetokaiCoffee is one of the most popular coffee brand chain in India . The company holds its own coffee chain all over India and had served over 10000+ coffees . Bluetokaicoffee is a renowned brands withholding more than 500+ reviews in terms of coffee quality and service .
For a morning routine , Bluetokaicoffee can be considered as a healthy beverage to have as it has been reviewed to help removing toxins from the body and all harmful liver enzymes . People consuming bluetokaicoffee felt more calmness and smoothness in their mind after consuming this brand coffee as it brighten ups the mood instantly and enhances brain function .
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As per experts , it is said that you should never consume coffee with more caffeine in the morning especially empty stomach . It will lead to increase in the level of cortisol and the body will go on a relax mode while it has to be charged early morning . You can prefer consuming the Bluetokaicoffee made with the most finest coffee beans and the least amount of toxins
If you want help regarding purchase of Bluetokaicoffee or want to discuss related to excessive coffee consumption or diseases / health problems related to it . You can contact us down in the comment section below .